people in Zambia living in
(World Bank, 2023)
people in Zambia living with
(UNAIDS Data, 2022)
of population in Zambia aged under 15
(World Bank, 2022)
girls in Zambia married by 18 (5% married by 15)
(UNICEF, 2020)
Zambia, a landlocked country in southern Africa with a population of 19.6 million (two thirds below the age of 25 years) is one of the world's poorest nations. It has recently suffered droughts and floods and, as many people are small scale subsistence farmers, they struggle to feed their families. Zambia has also been severely affected by the HIV epidemic, leaving many children orphaned by AIDS.

Poverty levels are high in Chipata District, with over 50% of the population living in extreme poverty. Many children orphaned by AIDS live with grandparents or other relatives. These families, often struggling to feed their own families, can't afford the uniforms and fees to send the children to school and instead send them out to work, perhaps selling plastic carrier bags in the market.

How we're helping
We buy uniforms, shoes and books and pay school fees so that children are able to go to school or continue in school and take advantage of further education.